Meg Perron

Academy and Education Director

Meg Perron is SecurityStudio’s Academy and Education Director with over 15 years of experience in education.

Shifting from a leader in education—with a reputation as the go-to person for classroom technology support—Meg began her journey in the cybersecurity field, working as a Security Analyst before joining SecurityStudio.

Meg’s personal mission is to empower people to pursue CvCISO opportunities with confidence knowing they have obtained the knowledge needed via certification, have a reliable network of professionals to lean on, and can grow in that knowledge through additional courses and networking.

With five children, her favorite pastime is camping with her family. Meg and her husband were adventurous prior to starting a family with many trips backpacking, rock climbing, and paddling, and instilled that adventurous spirit in their children by providing many opportunities in the great outdoors.