Your risk assessment software partner

Manage your client's information security risk management program with S2Partner

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risk assessment software partner view of dashboard

Manage all your clients in one place

The S2Partner dashboard empowers partners to manage their clients holistic information security all from one comprehensive dashboard.

Client Module Management

Effortlessly organize and oversee your clients' modules and user access within our information security assessment software. Seamlessly navigate through various modules, tailoring them to your client's specific needs.

User Management Flexibility

Empower your team with comprehensive user management capabilities, enabling them to efficiently handle both internal team members and client users within a single platform. Simplify user administration tasks, such as access control and permissions, ensuring smooth collaboration across all stakeholders.

Supplemental Data Collection

Efficiently collect supplemental information beyond the standard assessment criteria. Capture diverse data points relevant to your clients' security posture, leveraging customizable questionnaires to gather nuanced insights.

SecurityStudio's platform all in one partner dashboard

Empowered with visibility into your client's holistic information security postures, S2Partner is the perfect catalyst for effective client engagements aimed at improving their holistic information security programs.
S2Org Icon


The organizational information security risk assessment tool used by thousands of organizations, both public and private.

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S2Vendor Icon


The information security risk management tool developed to simplify, automate, and standardize third-party vendor risk management processes.

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S2Team Icon


The organizational aggregate of your employees' information security knowledge gaps that helps inform employee training going forward.

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S2PCI Icon


A PCI tool that identifies the correct forms for an organization's PCI compliance needs and streamlines the documentation process.

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Cyber Risk Score Dial, S2Score

Powered by the S2Score

The S2Score is an objective metric of your clients information security. It empowers our partners with the tools they need to effectively measure and communicate risk to their clients.

Learn More About S2Score

What you can provide to your clients with the power of the S2Score:

Measuring the current state of an information security program, or portion of a program.
Predicting the future state of an information security program, or portion of a program.
Comparing states between information security programs or portions of programs.
Setting objective thresholds of acceptable risk aids decision-making and defense from liability.
Communicating information security risk to others, information security professionals and non-information security professionals alike.
Determination of information security budget; where information security dollars (or budget) would be best spent to improve risk the most.
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