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Case Study: Making the Transition from Traditional MSP to Cybersecurity Consulting


Secure Shield, an information security consultancy based in British Columbia, transitioned from a traditional Managed Service Provider (MSP) to a dedicated cybersecurity consultancy to address evolving industry demands. This strategic pivot was driven by the need to focus on mitigating risks and delivering tailored security solutions, moving away from the product-centric MSP model.

Challenges and Solutions:

The transformation presented several challenges, including redefining service offerings and integrating the right tools to support them. Secure Shield partnered with SecurityStudio, whose platform and Certified virtual Chief Information Security Officer (CvCISO) training program were instrumental in this shift. SecurityStudio provided not only the necessary risk management tools but also comprehensive sales and marketing support, enabling Secure Shield to launch and manage their own vCISO services effectively.

Key Outcomes:

  • Enhanced Service Offerings: SecurityStudio’s platform allowed Secure Shield to offer detailed cybersecurity assessments, clear communication on risk posture, and actionable security roadmaps.
  • Improved Client Engagement: The ability to present complex security data in a simple, credit score-style format helped clients understand and improve their security posture over time.
  • Business Growth: With SecurityStudio’s support, Secure Shield successfully transitioned to a cybersecurity-focused business model, securing new clients and positioning itself competitively in the market.


Secure Shield’s partnership with SecurityStudio has been a key factor in its successful transformation, allowing it to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity consulting while delivering measurable results for its clients.

Learn More:

To explore more about Secure Shield’s services and their partnership with SecurityStudio, visit Secure Shield.

If you are interested in exploring a partnership with SecurityStudio, contact us today!

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