
What is Endpoint Protection? Here's What You Need to Know

Gartner defines an endpoint protection platform as a product that can provide antivirus, anti-spyware, and firewall functions in one solution. Here's more info.

Endpoint Protection vs Endpoint Security

Endpoint protection is often used interchangeably with endpoint security. It’s a term for solutions that fix problems, like one-day exploits on the computer and accidental data leakage from human error.

Targeted attacks and advanced persistent threats cannot be prevented with anti-virus solutions alone, which is why endpoint protection must come in all security packages. Endpoint protections work to protect servers, computers, and mobile devices from any malicious attack.

Although some people think endpoint protection and endpoint security are two different things, they're actually the same thing. Endpoint protection can also be called "endpoint security." It's a type of cybersecurity that protects networks against threats.

What is endpoint security? In endpoint security, there are many different types of tools to protect the network from various attacks. They operate on a client-server model in which all programs reside on one server and each computer has its own set of end protection. 

Whenever clients try to log in, the server program checks their credentials and scans their devices to make sure they comply with the network security policy. This means that the device is plugged in and connected to the network.

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Endpoint Protection Platforms help promote Enterprise Security

Gartner defines an endpoint protection platform as a product that can provide antivirus, anti-spyware, and firewall functions in one solution.

Endpoint Protection Platforms are more proactive than reactive security solutions. They can prevent malware attacks, protect data from being lost or stolen, and even control devices.

Endpoint Protection processes

As companies are adopting BYOD programs, endpoint protection is adapting to provide mobile endpoints with the same level of security as traditional computers.

Endpoint protection is a really important security measure for business networks because it prevents unauthorized access and makes sure that the endpoints (like mobile devices) meet certain standards before entering the network.

Endpoint Protection in the enterprise environment is centralized, through a central administration server that manages and monitors endpoints connected to the network. In contrast, endpoints for consumers are not centrally managed because there’s no need.

Endpoint Protection is Important when Expanding, Unchattered Security Perimeter

There is a need for security to be on endpoints. This means that there needs to be visibility and control of what’s going on with the devices.

Without endpoint protection, companies lose control over sensitive data the moment it’s copied to an external device or when network access is gained through unsecured endpoints. Endpoint protection supplements other security solutions and provides a crucial layer of defense for company secrets that would otherwise be easily accessible.

Endpoint Data Protection Solution

Many companies overlook the data on laptops, desktops, and mobile devices in their enterprise strategy. This is one of a company’s most valuable pieces of information when it comes to risk. You need to have an endpoint protection solution in order to secure your company's roaming data assets on endpoint systems, protect critical information and meet your data protection strategy. 

Choosing the right endpoint data protection solution for your company requires careful evaluation of what you want to accomplish with it, both in terms of IT operations and maintaining user productivity.

Protect Your Organization from Cybersecurity Threats

SecurityStudio helps information security leaders at organizations ensure they’re protected against cybersecurity threats, stay insurable, and legally defensible with our risk assessment and risk management software. Schedule a demo to learn how we can help.

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