Information Security Committee Charter

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Information Security Committee Charter, version 1.0.0


Protection of the information entrusted to (District/Organization) by our stakeholders, employees, third-parties, and clients is important to the success of our organization. In an effort to design, implement, and manage an effective information security program, (District/Organization) has created the (District/Organization) Information Security Committee.


The Information Security Committee exists to provide recommendations to (District/Organization) executive management in regard to all information security efforts undertaken by (District/Organization). The committee also coordinates and communicates the direction, current state, and oversight of the information security program.


The recommendations made, and actions taken by the (District/Organization) Information Security Committee may affect some or all (District/Organization) personnel, processes, and technologies.


The members who participate in the (District/Organization) Information Security Committee are critical to the success of the (District/Organization) information security program. The (District/Organization) Information Security Committee is a cross-functional group comprised of employees representing different parts of the organization.


The responsibilities of the (District/Organization) Information Security Committee are:

  • Formulate, review, and recommend information security policy
  • Review the effectiveness of policy implementation
  • Provide clear direction and visible management support for security initiatives
  • Initiate plans and programs to maintain information security awareness
  • Ensure that security activities are executed in compliance with policy
  • Identify and recommend how to handle non-compliance
  • Approve methodologies and processes for information security
  • Identify significant threat changes and vulnerabilities
  • Assess the adequacy and coordinate the implementation of information security controls
  • Promote information security education, training and awareness throughout (District/Organization)
  • Evaluate information received from monitoring processes
  • Review information security incident information and recommend follow-up actions
  • Educate the team and staff on ongoing legal, regulatory and compliance changes as well as industry news and trends


The (District/Organization) Information Security Committee will meet either in-person or through electronic means (teleconference, video conference, etc.) on a regular, periodic basis.

Decision Making

All decisions and recommendations made by the (District/Organization) Information Security Committee must be unanimous. In the event that a unanimous decision or recommendation cannot be attained, the committee will present the decision and/or recommendation to the President for intervention and final decision-making.


An agenda should be prepared for each (District/Organization) Information Security Committee meeting.  The agenda should be communicated to all committee members prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Members of the (District/Organization) Information Security Committee are strongly encouraged to participate in all committee activities and attend all committee meetings. In the event that a member cannot attend a meeting, the member should communicate his/her responses to the agenda items and/or send a delegate attendee with the authority to speak for the committee member.


(District/Organization) Information Security activities, recommendations, and decisions must be documented and available to appropriate personnel.

Version History

VersionModified DateApproved DateAuthorReason/Comments
1.0.0August 2016 SecurityStudioDocument Origination

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